Thursday, July 31, 2008

3 years young

This month marks the third anniversary of Emi Ink! No parades or balloons or parties, though. Instead, I'm opting for a quiet celebration filled with gratitude, layered in appreciation and sprinkled with hopeful wishes for the future.

After much thought about what I wanted to write in commemoration of my anniversary, I settled on this short list of things I've learned:

* I CAN do it all...but doing so comes with a price.
My health and happiness isn't worth the title of "superhero." (I would, however, wear those gold Wonder Woman cuffs because they are HOT!)

* It's ok to block out time for myself, even during the busiest weeks.
I ran into an old colleague last year who advised me to pencil in some ME TIME into my calendar. If something comes up, and I just can't do ME TIME, that's fine. I RESCHEDULE...I don't CANCEL. (This is one of the most valuable things I've ever learned.)

* The cost of doing business in Hawaii is high...really high.
Shipping materials to Hawaii is expensive. Going on buying trips to the mainland or abroad is even more expensive...but so much more fun!

* I don't know everything.
But I'm quite resourceful. And although I am not yet a Google Grandmaster like my husband, I can find the answer to 99.9% of my questions in 99.9 seconds.

* My commute to work ROCKS!
Whenever I need to run an early morning or late afternoon errand, the reality of RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC smacks me in the face and I am even more grateful for my 20-ft. commute to the office.

* Paper really makes me happy.
It's not quite like biting into a decadent piece of chocolate, but I'm convinced that working with beautiful paper releases endorphins in my brain.

* Making my clients happy makes me really, really happy.
I live for the moment when I can present my clients with their completed invitations. Creating their perfect design is something that I take seriously and when everything falls into place, it's like magic.

* Buffalo mozzarella is made from the milk of water buffaloes.
I realize this has nothing to do with Emi Ink, but it's something that I learned not too long ago...and, yes, I feel silly that I didn't know this earlier. I just thought there were different grades of mozzarella and "buffalo" referred to the specific type...not the ingredients!

Thank you for supporting this lil' stationer. Can't wait to see what the next three years will bring!