Friday, May 30, 2008

Seattle recap

Mother Nature took it upon herself to ensure that we had the most delightful weather during our Seattle visit. We missed the heat wave entirely, and the short cold front that swept through immediately after that, and relished in the uncommonly warm and mild summer weather that caught everyone by surprise.

The photos above show some of the highlights from our trip: a short hike at Deception Pass, the beautiful array of flowers and produce at Pike Place Market, a fun ride on the ultra-cool escalator in the Seattle Public Library (I've never seen a library like this!), artsy views at the Olympic Sculpture Garden, and the most beautiful sunset on Puget Sound.

Of course, I had to throw in one extra photo taken at Trophy Cupcakes. By chance, I had stumbled onto a slideshow of favorite cupcakes on the Martha Stewart web site and made a mental note to pop in if we happened to be in the area during our vacation. (Ok, maybe it was a bit more than a "mental note" since I immediately mapped out the location on Google maps and memorized the most direct route to the shop from our hotel.) There were lots of cupcakes to choose from, but I had to go with the one that was featured on the Martha Stewart show, right? I ordered up one Valrhona chocolate cupcake with a bittersweet chocolate/graham cracker crust and topped with toasted marshmallow...after one bite, I was smitten.

There's definitely a lot to love about Seattle, and we can't wait for a return visit.