Sunday, May 11, 2008

Fairy dust

Does anyone remember Holly Hobbie? After a quick five-minute search on Google, I was surprised to learn that:

1) there are over 800 Holly Hobbie items listed on eBay
2) Holly Hobbie was created by an artist whose name was Holly Hobbie
3) thanks to a makeover in 2006, Holly Hobbie lives on in DVDs, clothing, party goods, etc.

So, why this sudden interest in a doll that's over 40 years old? I guess I'm just feeling a little nostalgic because it's Mother's Day.

When I was a wee little one, I had a wee little pillow with a wee little pocket for the wee little teeth that my father so eagerly yanked out of my mouth with long pieces of dental floss. I thought my tooth pillow was the prettiest pillow in the world with its delicate lace trim and soft pastel image of Holly Hobbie sitting just above the pocket. But as nice as the pillow was, it always paled in comparison to the items left behind by the tooth fairy.

The tooth fairy that visited me, was like no other. I know this for a fact because I discussed this with my friends. My tooth fairy left me silver dollars wrapped in purple cellophane and personal, handwritten notes sprinkled with glitter. One year, I lost a tooth on the eve of my birthday and awoke to find a beautifully wrapped present on the desk in the corner of my room. I could never figure out how the tooth fairy knew that it was my birthday.

It wasn't until many years later that I found the roll of purple cellophane hidden in the corner of the hall closet and many more years later that I compared the handwriting on the tooth fairy's notes to the handwriting on my mother's shopping lists.

How could I have been so naive? My mother...and the tooth fairy...had obviously been in cahoots.

Thank you, Mom. Thank you, Tooth Fairy. I love you both. Happy Mother's Day...