Monday, October 4, 2010

One degree of separation

A good day, for me, is sometimes defined by this:

"This" refers to a nondescript white paper bag that occasionally accompanies my husband home from work. Just the sight of this plain white bag makes my heart go pitter-patter. In its simplest form, this plain white bag holds the power to transform a ho-hum day into a fantastic day.

Behold, the contents of the plain white bag:

A recent favorite, a lovely orange creamsicle cupcake from Cake Couture. Normally, my cupcake of choice would involve chocolate or peanut butter or red velvet goodness, but my obsession with orange flavored anything continues.

When my husband changed jobs and I found out that his new office would be a stone's throw away from the Cake Couture shop, I had fantasies of working my way through their menu and sampling each cupcake flavor at least once (or twice). I quickly came to my senses, though, and have made peace with the fact that just because I CAN get a cupcake at anytime, doesn't mean I SHOULD. I can rest easy knowing that the degrees of separation between me and said cupcakes have dramatically decreased and in a cupcake emergency, my husband will have my back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Because you CAN get a cupcake at anytime means you SHOULD get a cupcake everytime! :)