Sunday, October 10, 2010

Just another (10.10.10) day

Custom sign-in sheets with orange/yellow color theme and pineapple design motif

It's a busy, busy weekend for a lot of my wedding industry friends! 10.10.10 has been looming on the horizon since, well, 09.09.09, and it happened to fall on the very same weekend as a popular wedding expo. For brides and grooms, selecting highly sought after dates like 10.10.10 takes a lot of tenacity and early planning since the demand for wedding vendors can be incredibly high.

As for next year's big dates? I'm already working with 9.10.11 and 11.11.11 couples who are well on their way to finalizing plans for their big days.

Wishing all of my 10.10.10 couples a lifetime of happiness!

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