Saturday, April 24, 2010

Show's over...

...and it was a good one! A BIG thank you to everyone who stopped by my booth and checked out my designs. Loved chatting with brides and grooms and hearing about their wedding plans. Definitely saw opposite ends of the spectrum at this expo...some couples are tying the knot in just a few months, and some couples are looking at 2012 dates. I had totally different advice for the late planners vs. the early planners, but hope that I'm able to accommodate everyone who's interested in booking orders.

Met lots of parents, too, graciously collecting brochures and business cards for their children living out-of-state. Oh, and I was delighted to meet a a self-proclaimed "blogstalker" (you know who you are! LOL) who reaffirmed why I write, even when I think that no one is reading. Thank you Stalker Girl, and everyone like you who thinks that this blog is worth visiting, and who will back me up 100% on the purchase of my Kate Spade diaper bag.

Also got to catch up with my vendor friends that I don't get to see nearly often enough. I will always believe in my heart that face-to-face contact beats Facebook-to-Facebook contact any day. BUT...I've stayed away from Facebook long enough and can't deny that it's a great way to stay connected to people, so I'm giving in. I actually joined Facebook over a year ago, but deactivated my account after several months of non-use. Joined again with every intention of "getting with the program," but quickly lost enthusiasm and once again deactivated my account. Third time's the charm, though, so I'm back online and even created my little Facebook "please like me" button in the sidebar. I guess you can't be a "fan" anymore, you just have to like me...which, I know, is a big commitment for some. So, "like me" if you like me, or don't "like me" if you're not ready to commit...but I hear that wonderful, magical things can happen when people like you...we'll see.

Pics to come from the Wedding Expo - stay tuned!

1 comment:

michele said...

hahahahah... what a great post! love, your neighborhood stalker girl (but not in a scary way!!!)