Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I'm baaaack...

Hello world! ...or, in this case, hello small but loyal group of blog followers who have been checking in from time to time. My blogging break was much longer than I anticipated and I've missed putting pen to paper (figuratively speaking, of course).

This week is crazier than usual with the Wedding Expo coming up on Friday/Saturday, but if I waited for the absolute perfect time to return to the blogosphere, I'd never come back. So, a few deep breaths and a quick stretch of the fingers and I'm back in business!

Spent part of the day making cosmetic changes to my booth display for the expo. Excited to chat with a whole new crop of brides/grooms as they start their wedding planning process. Be sure to stop by and check it out - lots of great vendors at the show:

Hawaii Convention Center

Friday, April 23: 6pm to 10pm
Saturday, April 24: 11am to 5pm

$7.00 (download a $1.00 off coupon here)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder! My friend is getting married and didn't know about the expo. I'm sure she'll love your designs!