Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Up on the housetop

When you're competing against a 4 1/2-year-old in a gingerbread house competition, and his parents are among the judges, expect to lose. So was the case when I competed head-to-head in a gingerbread showdown with my friends' son this past weekend. I did win one category: Most Competitive. Oh well, I tried. I don't blame my team (aka my husband) or the lack of planning. I blame my inexperience. In all my years of celebrating Christmas and indulging in every imaginable sweet treat possible, this was the FIRST time I ever built a gingerbread house. And it was more work than I thought it would be! But it was loads of fun and I can't wait for next year's rematch.

And because I'm a gracious loser, I've posted the photo of the winning house...I love the dog bones used to tile Snoopy's roof. And the entire design was artistic and creative with just the right amount of whimsy.

Ahh, I never had a chance. :)