Monday, February 12, 2007

Superfood to the rescue

Occasionally I'll meet up with clients at the Mocha Java Cafe at Ward Center. Although it can be a bit busy (and c-o-l-d!) at times, there always seems to be an open table where I can set up shop for an hour. This past weekend, I met with several clients on Saturday and Sunday, which meant I had two opportunities to order one of my favorite breakfast meals - the açaí bowl.

While my fiance loves his buckwheat pancakes and egg-white omelets, I normally prefer chocolate chip pancakes and Portugese sausage, eggs, and rice. But there's something about a refreshing bowl of açaí topped with sliced bananas and granola that's so satisfying in the morning! The açaí (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) berry also happens to be one of nature's SUPERFOODS. The pulp from this berry, harvested from palm trees in the Brazilian rainforests, is packed with amino acids, essential fatty acids (the good ones), and antioxidants...think "fountain of youth" wrapped in a cute little purple berry. Red wine's got nothing on the açaí berry when it comes to antioxidants, although I'm not sure how your guests would feel if you served them a glass of açaí instead of their favorite Pinot Noir!