Friday, May 20, 2011

I *heart* my clients

Recently, I've been thinking a lot about Emi Ink's early years. To some extent, I employed a "sink or swim" strategy during my first year...although, "sink" wasn't really an option for me. There was no question that I would accept any job that came my way, I never said "no" to my clients, and I would often grossly underestimate the amount of labor that my jobs would require. It was a learning process, painful at times, but so rewarding in the end.

One of my earliest invitation jobs was for May and Gregg, a sweet couple who probably had more confidence in my design skills than I had in myself at the time! I can't recall how many hours this job took me to complete, but it had EVERYTHING: rounded corners, hand embossing, die-cut flowers, a washi paper band, organza ribbon, vellum, a perforated response card, etc. I probably learned more about the design/assembly process in that one job than I did in the next 20 jobs that followed.

May and Gregg are nearing their fifth anniversary and although the odds of them reading this particular blog are slim, I'd like to thank them and every lovely couple I've worked with since then. My clients, past and present (and future!), fuel my passion for creativity and I'm eternally grateful for that!

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