Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I shall call him "Mini Tree"

About six years ago, I purchased a Juniper bonsai tree. I thought it was the most beautiful and perfect tree I had ever laid my eyes on. There was even a small pond that sat under the sweeping branches of my bonsai, with an even smaller fisherman sitting at its edge. With his small bamboo fishing pole poised just above the water, I would often wish that I could be this fisherman...sitting on the edge of this most serene pond...under the most perfect tree...on the most pleasant day.

But then, I killed the tree.

I didn't mean to, but that's no consolation to me (or the tree).

As much as I hate to admit this, I was born with a black thumb. I've tried to keep flowering plants alive long enough to enjoy their beautiful blooms, I've tried not to overwater my easy-to-care-for succulents, and I've tried to sustain impossible-to-kill air plants on lots of love. Dead, dead, dead. I do remember successfully growing sweet pea plants for a seventh grade science experiment. Seventh grade was a very long time ago.

But I will keep trying, especially now that I've seen the gorgeous roses that my own brother is growing on his back patio. Perhaps his green thumb will rub off on me. For now, I'll just look at photos of plants that I someday hope to not kill.