Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Slideshow mania


My fiance and I are smack dab in the middle creating our wedding reception slideshow. We've been looking through lots of childhood and family photos over the past few weeks and sampling hundreds of songs to find the perfect tune and the perfect beat to create judt the right experience for our guests.

It's not easy.

Between the two of us, we have a long list of ideas, but I doubt if people will sit through a 3-hour marathon of mugshots and video clips...especially without comfy theater seating, a lengthy intermission, and free popcorn.

So how do couples showcase those special moments that highlighted of each of their lives AND tell their love story in four minutes or less? It seems mathematically impossible. But I know we HAVE to find a way. We don't want to see our guests shift uncomfortably in their seats as they look anxiously at their watches and pray that the end is near. We need to leave everybody wanting more. Hmm, maybe a dliffhanger ending where we...

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