Thursday, January 18, 2007

Coming up for air

Forgive my lapse in blogging. It's been a crazy week with an even crazier week just ahead. As predicted, I enjoyed a two-week vacation over the holidays and now that I'm back, EVERYTHING is in full swing once again.

There's the Bridal Expo coming up this weekend. I normally take a few days to prep for a show...this time, I have one day. The shows are fun, although I suspect that a lot of grooms don't think so. They literally get stuck "holding the bag" as their lovely brides amass huge collections of glossy brochures and rate sheets to peruse in the solace of their own home. Yup, the Bridal Expo is a great place to meet tons of wedding vendors at once...the tough part is deciding which ones are right for you.

Besides prepping for the show and working with my current clients, I've realized that my wedding is just around the corner. Well, not "just" around the corner but I definitely see it's little head peeking at me in the distance. It's about time for me to start my invitations and I don't have a clue what to do. I guess that's not totally true. I have lots of clues, but I haven't hit on "IT" yet. My fiance stopped offering me suggestions long ago and has assumed the "whatever you want is fine" (aka "yes, dear") motto. The truth of the matter is, I want his opinion and I really do value his input. He has a wonderfully creative and artistic side to him and often pipes in with brilliant ideas for my clients' invitations. It's just that our design styles don't always match up perfectly. I'm sure that however our invitations turn out, they'll be a true reflection of us as a couple...or we'll send out two different invitations.

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