Monday, January 14, 2008

Speed reading

Since you've found your way to my blog, I'm assuming that either: A) you enjoy reading blogs, or B) you're lost and are about to click to another site in about five seconds. I'm really hoping that your visit is not an accidental one because I have something incredibly fun to share with you.

A friend recently gushed about Google Reader and after having checked it out myself, I can honestly say that it has changed my life.

Simply put, I love blogs. I write them, I read them, I can't live without them. Every morning, I sit down at my computer with my bowl of Yogurt Burst Cheerios and a glass of Simply Nutritious Morning Blend juice and faithfully read my favorite blogs. It's my version of a morning cup of coffee and my day feels incomplete if I don't start it off with a healthy dose of blog reading.

Google Reader (the super fantastic tool that I absolutely worship) allows me to read through blog entries in one convenient place. It's just like how you read your new emails that arrive in your's that easy!

It took me about half an hour to set up my personalized Google Reader and now I've got about a dozen different blogs housed in one central spot. From design blogs, to craft blogs, to wedding blogs, I can zip through them all in half the time. It's definitely worth checking out if you're a blog-lover like I am. And don't forget to add a link to!