Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy New Year!

I'm only four days late with my new year's greeting. Not too bad considering the week I've had. Luckily for me, one of my resolutions is to focus on the positives and bury everything else (until I can write about it in a juicy memoir somewhere down the road).

Here are we are at the beginning of another year and, again, I'm amazed at how fast time flies...and crawls. The holidays were a blur, although New Year's Day seemed to stretch on forever thanks to a disheartening Sugar Bowl party at my parents' house. (For the record, I still BELIEVE and seeing the UH Warriors on the front page of USA Today on a wintery night in Illinois was still a thrill for me.) Our quick jaunt to Disneyland was over in the blink of an eye, although the ten minutes that we were stuck on the top of the Matterhorn ride felt like an eternity. (Side note: my husband and I got an up close and personal view of the abominable snowman as we climbed out of our sled. That, I have to admit, was pretty cool.) And time spent with my husband's family and friends was all too short, although the one night that we were both touched with a bit of food poisoning was dreadfully long. Hmm, it seems that I've already forgotten my first resolution and succumbed to the dark side. I had the best of intentions.

But I am VERY EXCITED with the dawn of the new year. I have plans...big plans. Throughout the year, I'll be sharing some important milestones with you and hopefully the trials will outweigh the tribulations and we can celebrate often along the way!

Thank you for your continued support - let's make 2008 a great year!