Thursday, June 9, 2011

Just say "omm"

Many of my close friends and family understand my passion for writing, but these days the extent of my writing is usually just answering emails and a blog entry here and there. But I found something recently that might change all that. My discovery is kind of geeky, kind of new age-ish, kind of unnecessary, and kind of totally awesome. I read about the OmmWriter in some random blog but couldn't really grasp what it was until I watched the video and downloaded the trial version for myself:

It took me about a minute a half on the trial version to convince me that I needed the full version. Immediately. As quickly as I could whip out my credit card.

It's hard to explain why I love this so much. It's not meant for hardcore word processing, but it does a few things that I really like. It fills the entire screen, the control buttons go away and stay hidden if you don't move your mouse, and you can turn on the clicky keyboard noises if you enjoy that kind of thing (and I do). But mostly, I totally dig the fact that I have my own soundtrack while I'm writing (I swear it's different than just opening my favorite playlist in iTunes). My husband doesn't understand what the fuss is about, claiming that watching me use OmmWriter is like watching Doogie Howser deep in thought, sitting in front of his computer at the end of every show. Yeah, so he doesn't understand the awesomeness of this program, and maybe you won't either. But that's ok, to each his own. Now, excuse me while I get my Doogie on.

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