The mission: Locate and purchase bridesmaids' shoes
The players: Me (the bride), Lady L (the matron of honor), Agent T (bridesmaid #1), Agent F (bridesmaid #2 -- MIA but with us in spirit!)
The obstacles: Shoes must be black, shoe style should complement the dress, and above all else, shoes are required to be comfortable!
Time allowed: 3 hours (and 2 of those hours have been designated for lunch)
I took a "real" break from work on Saturday afternoon and invited two of my girlfriends out for an afternoon of shopping. None of us had the stamina for a long power-shopping trip as we would have in our younger days, so I drove them straight to Nordstrom. One store...hundreds of shoes...minimal walking.
We looked at everything on display from the 4" Jessica Simpson pumps (I think these shoes would be perfect...for Barbie) to the $400+ crystal-encrusted Stuart Weitzman sandals. One of my friends even had fuzzy bedroom slippers on her feet at one point - I think we were suffering from shoe overload at that point! They ended up settling on a pair of black suede strappy slip-on sandals that had a nice heel (not too high, not too low, not too skinny, not too fat) and came in well under $50.
It was surprisingly easy to find the shoes and we celebrated with a well-deserved, two-hour victory lunch.
Mission accomplished. Thanks, girls!